The tables below display the data which are related to the figures of the Electricity Wholesale Markets of the 2018 Market Monitoring Report

Data items

Name Reference Source Business Symbol
Absolute aggregate sum of UFs Figure 32 ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E and Vulcanus data
Average annual DA electricity prices and relative change compared to the previous year in European bidding zones Figure 01 ACER calculations based on the ENTSO-E’s TP data
Average oriented UFs, UAFs and LFs in Continental Europe Figure 33, 34, 35 ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E and Vulcanus data
Average relative MACZT and percentage of time when 70% is reached for all CNECs in the Core (CWE) region Figure 12 ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E/TSOs and Nordpool data
Average relative MACZT and percentage of time when the minimum 70% target is achieved on DC bidding-zone borders Figure 11 ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E/TSOs and Nordpool data
Average relative MACZT in the Italy North region, when including or excluding consideration of the Swiss-Italian border Figure 14 ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E/TSOs and Nordpool data
Average relative MACZT on selected AC bidding-zone borders in Europe Figure 10 ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E/TSOs and Nordpool data
Average size of the FB domain in the economic direction in the Core (CWE) region Figure 09 ACER calculations based on Core (CWE) TSOs data
Changes in tradable capacity (NTC) in Europe Figure 08 ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E, NRAs and NordPool data
Costs incurred or forecast to finance CMs per unit demand and expressed as a percentage of the yearly average DA price in Europe Figure 28 ACER calculations based on NRAs data
DA price convergence in Europe Figure 05 ACER calculations based on the ENTSO-E’s TP data
EENS relative to total annual demand, for MSs with approved or operational CMs according to ENTSOE’s MAF Figure 30 ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E’s MAF 2018 results and dataset
Estimated social welfare gains still to be obtained from further extending DA market coupling per border Figure 25 ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E, NRAs and Vulcanus data
Evolution of annual DA electricity prices in a selection of European markets Figure 02 ACER calculations based on the ENTSO-E’s TP data
Evolution of the number of occurrences of negative DA prices and the distribution of these occurrences per bidding zone Figure 04 ACER calculations based on the ENTSO-E’s TP data
LOLE for MSs with approved or operational CMs according to ENTSO-E’s MAF Figure 29 ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E’s MAF 2018 results
Level of detail and harmonisation of the main features of the approved CCMs Figure 20 ACER calculations
Level of detail and harmonisation of the processes for the calculation of DA capacity and ID capacity in the CCMs Figure 21 ACER calculations
Monthly DA prices and frequency of full price convergence in the Core (CWE) region Figure 06 ACER calculations based on the ENTSO-E’s TP data
NTC averages of both directions on cross-zonal borders, aggregated per CCR Figure 07 ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E, NRAs and NordPool data
Occurrence of DA price spikes Figure 03 ACER calculations based on the ENTSO-E’s TP and PLATTS data
Share of assessment criteria met by approved CCMs per category Figure 18 ACER calculations
Share of total ID-traded volumes according to intra-zonal vs cross-zonal nature of trades in Europe and monthly evolution of the cross-zonal ID-traded volumes for all continuous trading markets Figure 26 ACER calculations based on Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) data