Data Item Details

Changes in tradable capacity (NTC) in Europe
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E, NRAs and NordPool data
Business Symbol
Figure 08

Data item data can be filtered and exported as an Excel file.
The reason for exporting is asked during export once per session.

Fields to export

Area Border NTC difference Percentage difference
BalticLT - PL10027%
ChannelFR - GB1177%
ChannelGB - FR1177%
Core (excl. CWE)CZ - DE_LU1044%
Core (excl. CWE)CZ+DE+SK - PL14767%
Core (excl. CWE)DE 50HZT - CZ+PL39866%
Core (excl. CWE)DE_LU - CZ68359%
Core (excl. CWE)HU - SK17422%
Core (excl. CWE)PL - CZ+DE+SK-128−17%
Core (excl. CWE)SK - HU14913%
HansaDK1 - DE_LU50396%
Italy NorthFR - IT_NORTH-119−5%
NordicDK2 - SE4-202−17%
Norwegian bordersNL - NO2-107−15%
Norwegian bordersNO1 - SE354644%
Norwegian bordersSE3 - NO128922%
SWEES - FR-110−5%
SWEES - PT24212%
Swiss bordersAT - CH11014%
Swiss bordersCH - DE_LU-115−3%
Swiss bordersCH - IT_NORTH-310−11%
Swiss bordersDE_LU - CH-106−7%
Swiss bordersFR - CH-236−8%