Data Item Details

Average oriented UFs, UAFs and LFs in Continental Europe
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E and Vulcanus data
Figure 33, 34, 35
The negative values represent flows in the opposite direction

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Fields to export

Oriented Border Unscheduled Flows (MW) Unscheduled Allocated Flows (MW) Loop Flows (MW)
AT - CH16100-85
AT - CZ-1117-569-548
AT - DE11161161-164
AT - HU102202-100
AT - IT-79-30-49
AT - SI117172-55
BE - FR664339325
BE - NL-660-356-305
BG - GR-178-24761
BG - RO-199-10-189
CH - DE-918-852-66
CH - FR839606234
CH - IT96348-253
CZ - DE-557-182-374
CZ - PL-383-16-367
CZ - SK-175-371197
DE - FR-1914-440-1475
DE - NL645409236
DE - PL708171564
FR - IT-382-512131
HR - HU-61168-229
HU - RO111-22132
HU - SK33289-257
IT - SI-366-171-195
PL - SK331153183