Average absolute Loop Flows and Unscheduled Allocated Flows |
Figure 53 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E and Vulcanus data |
Balancing Capacity contracted |
Figure 34 |
ACER calculations based on NRAs data |
Balancing Energy activated |
Figure 33 |
ACER calculations based on NRAs data |
Balancing aFFR capacity prices |
Figure 29 |
ACER calculations (2020) based on NRAs data |
Balancing aFFR energy prices |
Figure 28 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E data |
Balancing overall cost |
Figure 30 |
ACER calculations based on NRAs data |
Bidding zone split: Day-Ahead monthly volumes |
Figure 22 |
ACER calculations based on aggregated REMIT data |
Bidding zone split: Forward bid-ask spreads |
Figure 24 |
Bidding zone split: Forward quarterly volumes |
Figure 23 |
EEX (futures and cleared OTC) and ACER calculations based on non-cleared Prospex data (for non-cleared OTC) |
Capacity remunerated through Capacity Mechanisms |
Figure 39 |
ACER calculations based on NRAs data |
Change in generation types |
Figure 04 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E data |
Cost of Capacity Mechanisms |
Figure 37 |
ACER calculations based on NRAs data |
Cost of Capacity Mechanisms per unit demand |
Figure 38 |
ACER calculations based on NRAs and ENTSO-E data |
Day-Ahead average prices under COVID-19 |
Figure 46 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E data |
Day-Ahead churn factor |
Figure 19 |
Volumes from European Power Trading 2020 report, © Prospex Research Ltd and demand from ENTSO-E Transparency Platform and Eurostat |
Day-Ahead negative prices and price spikes under COVID-19 |
Figure 47 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E data |
Day-Ahead price evolution per CCR |
Figure 43 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E data |
Day-Ahead price spikes monthly |
Figure 44 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E data |
Day-Ahead prices map |
Figure 01 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E data |
Figure 41 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E’s MAF 2019 results and dataset |
Efficiency of Day-Ahead cross-zonal capacity |
Figure 25 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E data |
Estimated social welfare gains |
Figure 26 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E, NRAs and Vulcanus data |
Evolution of Generation |
Figure 03 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E data |
Forward bid-ask spread |
Figure 18 |
Forward churn |
Figure 15 |
Volumes from European Power Trading 2020 report, © Prospex Research Ltd and NRAs, and demand from the ENTSO-E Transparency Platform and Eurostat |
Forward churn per type |
Figure 16 |
European Power Trading 2020 report, © Prospex Research Ltd. and NRAs, and demand from the ENTSO-E Transparency Platform and Eurostat |
Forward share by product type |
Figure 17 |
European Power Trading 2020 report, © Prospex Research Ltd. |
Generation mix under COVID-19 |
Figure 45 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E data |
Imbalance netting |
Figure 35 |
ACER calculations based on NRAs data |
Interconnector Efficiency |
Figure i (executive summary) |
ACER calculations based on NRAs and ENTSO-E data |
Intraday churn factors |
Figure 20 |
Volumes from nominated electricity market operators (NEMOs) and demand from ENTSO-E Transparency Platform |
Intraday continuous volumes share |
Figure 21 |
ACER calculations based on NEMOs data |
Intraday traded volumes under COVID-19 |
Figure 48 |
ACER calculations based on NEMOs data |
Figure 40 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E’s MAF 2019 results and NRAs data |
Loop Flows |
Figure 52 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E and Vulcanus data |
NTC averages of both directions |
Figure 09 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E data |
NTC change per border |
Figure 10 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E, NRAs and Nord Pool data |
Negative prices |
Figure 07 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E data |
Net Iintraday nominations |
Figure 27 |
ACER calculations based on Vulcanus data |
Price convergence Day-Ahead |
Figure 08 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E data |
Price evolution |
Figure 05 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E data |
Price spikes |
Figure 06 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E and PLATTS data |
Procurement lead time of balancing reserves |
Figure 31 |
ACER calculations based on NRAs data |
Procurement lead time per country |
Figure 32 |
ACER calculations based on NRAs data |
Redispatch volume distribution |
Figure 14 |
ACER calculations based on NRAs data |
Share of active constraints |
Figure 12 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E data |
Size of the directional Flow-based domain |
Figure 11 |
ACER calculations based on Core (CWE) TSOs data |
Unscheduled Allocated Flows |
Figure 51 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E and Vulcanus data |
Unscheduled flows oriented map |
Figure 50 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E and Vulcanus data |
Unscheduled flows yearly |
Figure 49 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E and Vulcanus data |