Data Item Details

Loop Flows
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E and Vulcanus data
Figure 52

Data item data can be filtered and exported as an Excel file.
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Fields to export

Border direction Flow direction Average Loop Flow (MW)
CH > ATOpposite physical flow (yellow)27
CZ > ATSame direction as physical flow (red)251
AT > DEOpposite physical flow (yellow)56
AT > HUSame direction as physical flow (red)85
AT > ITSame direction as physical flow (red)22
AT > SISame direction as physical flow (red)141
BE > FROpposite physical flow (yellow)249
NL > BESame direction as physical flow (red)273
BG > GRSame direction as physical flow (red)57
RO > BGSame direction as physical flow (red)200
DE > CHSame direction as physical flow (red)137
CH > FROpposite physical flow (yellow)543
IT > CHOpposite physical flow (yellow)431
DE > CZSame direction as physical flow (red)58
PL > CZSame direction as physical flow (red)284
CZ > SKSame direction as physical flow (red)100
FR > DESame direction as physical flow (red)836
DE > NLSame direction as physical flow (red)271
DE > PLSame direction as physical flow (red)412
FR > ESSame direction as physical flow (red)11
IT > FROpposite physical flow (yellow)62
HU > HRSame direction as physical flow (red)289
HU > ROSame direction as physical flow (red)120
SK > HUSame direction as physical flow (red)136
SI > ITSame direction as physical flow (red)472
PL > SKSame direction as physical flow (red)127