Data Item Details

Efficiency of Day-Ahead cross-zonal capacity
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E data
Business Symbol
Figure 25

Data item data can be filtered and exported as an Excel file.
The reason for exporting is asked during export once per session.

Fields to export

Border Coupled/Not Coupled Day Ahead efficiency (%)
*AT - DECoupled100%
*BG - GRNot Coupled93%
*BG - RONot Coupled55%
*CZ - DENot Coupled39%
*CZ - PLNot Coupled46%
*EE - LVCoupled100%
*HR - HUNot Coupled35%
*HR - SICoupled100%
*HU - ROCoupled100%
*LT - LVCoupled100%
*LT - SECoupled100%
AT - CHNot Coupled74%
AT - CZNot Coupled59%
AT - HUNot Coupled91%
AT - ITCoupled100%
AT - SICoupled100%
BE - FRCoupled100%
CH - DENot Coupled70%
CH - FRNot Coupled79%
CH - ITNot Coupled96%
CZ - SKCoupled100%
DE - DKCoupled97%
DE - FRCoupled100%
DE - NLCoupled100%
DE - SECoupled99%
DK - NOCoupled93%
DK - SECoupled98%
EE - FICoupled99%
ES - FRCoupled100%
ES - PTCoupled100%
FI - SECoupled100%
FR - ITCoupled100%
FR - UKCoupled100%
GR - ITNot Coupled97%
HU - SKCoupled100%
IT - SICoupled100%
NL - NOCoupled98%
NO - SECoupled100%