Derogation/Revocation Decisions

Name Submitted by Network Code Decision date Decision favourable? Revoked NRA
Decision on the request by company EWP EUROPEAN WIND POWER KRASIN to extend the term of maintaining the ION status (RfG network code Article 35.5) for the „Farma Wiatrowa Krasin” wind farm System Operator RfG 2024-01-29 Yes No Urząd Regulacji Energetyki
Decision on the request by company Wind Field Wielkopolska to extend the term of maintaining the ION status (RfG network code Article 35.5) for the „Farma Wiatrowa Wielkopolska” wind farm System Operator RfG 2024-10-08 Yes No Urząd Regulacji Energetyki
Derogation from certain requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/631 for power generating modules of 30 MW or less System Operator RfG 2024-09-19 Yes No Commission de régulation de l'énergie
Decision on the request by company Kowalewo Wind to extend the term of maintaining the ION status (RfG network code Art 35.5) for the „Farma Wiatrowa Piątkowo” wind farm System Operator RfG 2024-04-29 Yes No Urząd Regulacji Energetyki
Decision on requirements regarding power oscillations damping control System User RfG 2024-01-22 Yes No Energimarknadsinspektionen
Decision on the request by company Nowa Energia 1 to extend the term of maintaining the ION status (RfG network code Article 35.5) for the „Farma Wiatrowa Kozłowo” wind farm System Operator RfG 2024-03-27 Yes No Urząd Regulacji Energetyki
Derogation from certain requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/631 for the company Reservoir Sun System User RfG 2022-12-13 Yes No Commission de régulation de l'énergie
Derogation from certain requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/631 for the company SAICA Paper France System User RfG 2021-10-28 Yes No Commission de régulation de l'énergie
Derogation from certain requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/631 for the company Green Valley Energy System User RfG 2021-10-28 Yes No Commission de régulation de l'énergie
Derogation from certain requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/631 for the company B+T Energie France SAS System User RfG 2021-10-28 Yes No Commission de régulation de l'énergie
Decision on the request by company Potegowo Mashav to extend the term of maintaining the ION status (RfG network code Art 35.5) for the "Potęgowo Wschód" wind farm System Operator RfG 2022-07-29 Yes No Urząd Regulacji Energetyki
Decision on the request by company Potegowo Mashav to extend the term of maintaining the ION status (RfG network code Art 35.5) for the "Potęgowo Zachód" wind farm System Operator RfG 2022-07-29 Yes No Urząd Regulacji Energetyki
Decision on the request by the TSO to derogate of the procedure for substantial modernisation (RfG network code Art 4.1 a) for electricity generation units with a maximum installed capacity < 25 MW and a voltage at the connection point >= 110 kV System Operator RfG 2022-03-31 Yes No Commission de Régulation Electricité et Gaz
Decision on the request by the TSO to derogate of certain requirements of the RfG network code for electricity generation units with a maximum installed capacity < 25 MW and a voltage at the connection point >= 110 kV System Operator RfG 2019-12-06 Yes No Commission de Régulation Electricité et Gaz
Regulatory decision based on art. 60, paragraph 1, of Regulation (EU) 2016/631 concerning requirements for power-generating facilities type A System Operator RfG 2019-04-25 Yes No Autoriteit Consument and Markt