Absolute aggregate sum of UFs for four CCRs |
Figure 48 |
Vulcanus and ACER calculations (2018) |
Absolute sum of net ID nominations for a selection of EU borders |
Figure 35 |
ENTSO-E, NRAs, Vulcanus and ACER calculations (2018) |
Average bid-ask spreads in European forward markets |
Figure 21 |
ICIS (2018) |
Average prices of balancing capacity (from FCRs) in the markets involved in the FCR cooperation project |
Figure 37 |
NRAs and ACER calculations (2018) |
Average prices of balancing capacity (upward and downward capacity from aFRRs) in a selection of EU markets |
Figure 47 |
NRAs and ACER calculations (2018) |
Changes in tradable capacities (NTC) in Europe |
Figure 09 |
ENTSO-E, NRAs, Nord Pool, 50 Hertz (for Polish profiles) and ACER calculations (2018) |
Costs incurred or envisaged to finance CMs, per unit demand and expressed as a percentage of DA prices in Europe, |
Figure 43 |
NRAs and ACER calculations (2018) |
DA price convergence in Europe by CCR (ranked) ā 2008ā2017 (% of hours) |
Figure 04 |
ENTSO-E and ACER calculations (2018) |
Distribution of ID-traded volumes per trading hour for the hourly product traded continuously in Denmark East |
Figure 29 |
NEMOs and ACER calculations (2018) |
Distribution of total ID-traded volumes for continuous trading and auctions per trading hour (CET), per trading method and per NEMO in Europe |
Figure 27 |
NEMOs and ACER calculations (2018) |
Distribution of total ID-traded volumes for continuous trading per hour (CET) in Europe ā 2017 |
Figure 28 |
NEMOs and ACER calculations (2018) |
Distribution of volume per trading hour for the quarter-hourly product (auctions + continuous trading) in Germany |
Figure 31 |
NEMOs and ACER calculations (2018) |
EU balancing capacity contracted cross-border as a percentage of the system requirements of reserve capacity (upward FCRs) |
Figure 40 |
NRAs and ACER calculations (2018) |
EU balancing energy activated cross-border as a percentage of the amount of total balancing energy activated to meet national needs |
Figure 39 |
NRAs and ACER calculations (2018) |
Estimated social welfare gains still to be obtained from further extending DA market coupling per border |
Figure 34 |
ENTSO-E, NRAs, Vulcanus and ACER calculations (2018) |
Evolution of annual DA electricity prices in a selection of European markets |
Figure 02 |
ENTSO-E (2018) |
Frequency of price spikes in the main wholesale DA markets in Europe |
Figure 03 |
ENTSO-E and ACER calculations (2018) |
ID-traded volumes per auction round (GCT) in all European markets with auctions |
Figure 30 |
NEMOs and ACER calculation (2018) |
ID-traded volumes per product, per bidding zone, in the largest European markets |
Figure 24 |
NEMOs and ACER calculations (2018) |
Imbalance netting as a percentage of the total need for balancing energy (explicitly activated or avoided by means of netting) from all types of reserves in national balancing markets |
Figure 41 |
NRAs and ACER calculations (2018) |
Level of utilisation of cross-zonal capacity in the ID timeframe when it has a value, for a selection of borders |
Figure 36 |
ENTSO-E, NRAs, Vulcanus and ACER calculations (2018) |
Monthly DA prices and frequency of full price convergence in the Baltic region |
Figure 05 |
ENTSO-E and ACER calculations (2018) |
Monthly DA prices and frequency of full price convergence in the CWE region |
Figure 06 |
ENTSO-E and ACER calculations (2018) |
Monthly DA prices and frequency of full price convergence in the SWE region |
Figure 07 |
ENTSO-E and ACER calculations (2018) |
Monthly average FB volumes in the economic directions in Core (CWE) |
Figure 16 |
Data provided by Core (CWE) TSOs to ENTSO-E and ACER calculations (2018) |
Monthly average FB volumes in the economic directions in the Core region |
Figure 10 |
Data provided by the Core (CWE) TSOs to ENTSO-E and ACER calculations (2018) |
NTC averages of both directions on cross-zonal borders, aggregated per CCR |
Figure 08 |
ENTSO-E, National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs), Nord Pool and ACER calculations (2018) |
Overall costs of balancing (capacity and energy) over national electricity demand in a selection of European markets |
Figure 38 |
NRAs and ACER calculations (2018) |
Percentage of hours with net DA nominations against price differentials per border (ranked) |
Figure 45 |
ENTSO-E, NRAs, Vulcanus and ACER calculations (2018) |
Progress made in the efficient use of electricity interconnectors in the DA market timeframe over the last 8 years |
Figure 33 |
ENTSO-E, Vulcanus, Nord Pool and ACER calculations (2018) |
Ratio between ID-traded volumes and electricity demand in the largest European ID markets |
Figure 23 |
NEMOs, Eurostat, CEER National Indicators Database and ACER calculations (2018) |
Ratio of available tradable capacity to benchmark capacity on HVAC borders per Capacity Calculation Region |
Figure 11 |
NRAs, Nord Pool, ENTSO-Eās CGM (2017) and ACER calculations (2018) |
Regional performance based on the fulfilment of capacity calculation requirements |
Figure 12 |
NRAs, ENTSO-E, Nordpool Spot and ACER calculations (2018) |
Share of ID-traded volumes per relative trading hour for hourly, half-hourly and quarter-hourly products in implicit continuous markets |
Figure 32 |
NEMOs and ACER calculations (2018) |
Share of total ID-traded volume per trading method, per nature of trade (intra-zonal vs. cross-zonal), per NEMO |
Figure 44 |
NRAs and ACER calculations (2018) |
Share of total ID-traded volume per type of trading method, per nature of trade, per bidding zone in Europe |
Figure 26 |
NEMOs and ACER calculation (2018) |
Share of total ID-traded volumes according to intra-zonal vs. cross-zonal nature of trades in Europe |
Figure 25 |
NEMOs and ACER calculations (2018) |
Unweighted share of active constraints (left) and share of constraints weighted with shadow prices (right) constraining the Core CWE |
Figure 14 |
Data provided by Core (CWE) TSOs to ENTSO-E and ACER calculations (2018) |
Weighted average prices of balancing energy activated from aFRRs (upward and downward activation) in a selection of EU markets |
Figure 46 |
ENTSO-E, NRAs, Vulcanus and ACER calculations (2018) |
Weighted-average RAM (as % of Fmax) for cross-zonal exchanges in internal-to-bidding-zone CNEs per TSO control area in 2017 |
Figure 15 |
Data provided by Core (CWE) TSOs to ENTSO-E and ACER calculations (2018) |