Data Item Details

Unweighted share of active constraints (left) and share of constraints weighted with shadow prices (right) constraining the Core CWE
Data provided by Core (CWE) TSOs to ENTSO-E and ACER calculations (2018)
Business Symbol
Figure 14
The dataset below corresponds to the respective figure, as analysed in the 7th ACER Market Monitoring Report (Electricity Wholesale Market Volume).

Please consult the Report for any additional information (sources, caveats etc.):

Data item data can be filtered and exported as an Excel file.
The reason for exporting is asked during export once per session.

Fields to export

Elements shadow price share constraints share
BE-Internal line9%19%
Cross-border line14%21%
DE-Allocation constraint1%7%
DE-Amprion constraint34%20%
DE-TenneT-Internal line18%9%
DE-TransnetBW-Internal line7%3%
FR-Allocation constraint0%1%
FR-Internal line0%0%
NL-Allocation constraint0%1%
NL-Internal line18%18%