Cross-zonal capacities and congestion management

Data items

Name Reference Source Business Symbol
Annual average monthly and yearly cross-zonal capacity offered for the purpose of long-term transmission rights in the bidding zone borders of the Core capacity calculation region – 2023 (MW) Figure 05 ACER calculation based on JAO Auction Tool data.
Annual evolution of average monthly and yearly cross-zonal capacity offered for the purpose of long-term transmission rights in the capacity calculation regions – 2020-2023 (MW) Figure 04 ACER calculation based on JAO Auction Tool data.
Average minimum hourly margin available for cross-zonal trade in the Core CCR for each Member State, considering flows induced by third-country exchanges – 2023 (% of Fmax) Figure 17 ACER calculation based on TSO data.
Average minimum hourly margin available for cross-zonal trade in the Core capacity calculation region per Member State – June to December 2022 and 2023 (% of Fmax) Page 06 ACER calculation based on TSO data
Average need for application of AMR in the Core CCR for each TSO – from 9 June to 31 December 2022 and in 2023 (% of Fmax and % of hours) Figure 43 ACER calculation based on JAO Publication Tool data.
Curtailment of energy generated by renewable technologies as a percentage of total renewable energy generation for each Member State – 2023 (% of renewable electricity generation) Figure 42 ACER calculation based on NRA and ENTSO-E Transparency Platform data.
Day-ahead price convergence in the EU per capacity calculation region – 2020-2023 (% of hours) Figure 02 ACER calculation based on ENTSO-E Transparency Platform data.
Distribution of the lowest RAM as a percentage of Fmax among all CNECs and average relative RAM in the Core CCR for each TSO – 2023 (% of Fmax) Figure 21 ACER calculation based on JAO Publication Tool data.
Distribution of the sum of shadow prices in all active constraints in Core flow-based market coupling, attributed to internal or cross-zonal network elements, in each Member State in the Core region - 9 June 2022 to 31 December 2022 and 2023 Figure 10 ACER calculation based on JAO Publication Tool data
Distribution of the total shadow price of active constraints in Core flow-based market coupling from 9 June to 31 December 2022 and in 2023 in Core Member States - 9 June 2022 to 31 December 2022 and 2023 (EUR/MW) Figure 09 ACER calculation based on JAO Publication Tool data.
Distribution of total upward and downward redispatching volume in the EU, by underlying cause (top) and technology involved (bottom) – 2023 (% of MWh) Figure 40 ACER calculation based on NRA data.
Evolution of monthly average import and export potential net positions of Core region bidding zones – 2019-2023 (GW) Figure 08 ACER calculation based on JAO Publication Tool and ENTSO-E Transparency Platform data
Evolution of the cost of congestion management in the EU – 2020–2023 (billion EUR) Page 04 ACER calculation based on NRA data.
Evolution of volume (top) and cost (bottom) of remedial actions activated in Germany – 2020-2023 (TWh and billion EUR) Figure 41 ACER calculation based on NRA data.
Level of cross-zonal capacity offered on average in the bidding zone borders of the EU capacity calculation regions and in different market time frames – 2023 (MW) Figure 03 ACER calculation based on ENTSO-E Transparency Platform, Joint Allocation Office (JAO) Auction Tool and JAO Publication Tool data
Level of interconnectivity of Member States in the day-ahead market measured as the average yearly import capacity as a percentage of peak demand and average yearly export capacity as a percentage of peak generation Figure 06 ACER calculation based on JAO Publication Tool and ENTSO-E Transparency Platform data.
Level of interconnectivity of Member States in the day-ahead market measured as the average yearly offered import capacity as a percentage of peak demand – 2023 (% of peak demand) Page 05 ACER calculation based on JAO Publication Tool and ENTSO-E Transparency Platform data.
Limitations of import and export capacities due to allocation constraints in the northern borders of Italy North – 2023 (% of hours) Figure 26 ACER calculation based on TSO data
Limitations of realised import and export net positions due to allocation constraints in selected bidding zones of the Core CCR - 2023 (% of hours) Figure 24 ACER calculation based on TSO data.
Location and relative margin of coordinated capacity of the 25 most limiting critical network elements in Core flow-based market coupling per sum of shadow price - 2023 Figure 11 ACER calculation based on JAO Publication Tool data.
Occurrences of day-ahead negative prices in EU bidding zones - 2023 (number of occurrences) Figure 01 ACER calculation based on ENTSO-E Transparency Platform data
Overview of the interim capacity requirements as defined by applicable action plans and/or derogations in the Core capacity calculation region for each Member State– 2023 (% of Fmax) Figure 18 ACER calculation based on TSO data.
Percentage of hours when 70% of MACZT, or predefined ranges of values, was offered in the SWE CCR for each Member State and oriented bidding zone border – 2023 (% of hours) Figure 27 ACER calculation based on TSO data.
Percentage of hours when the forecasted loop flows are above the indicated share of its physical capacity on at least one cross-zonal CNEC for each TSO in the Core CCR – 2023 (% of hours) Figure 23 ACER calculation based on JAO Publication Tool data.
Percentage of hours when the interim capacity requirements were met in all CNECs in the Core CCR for each Member State, excluding flows induced by non-EU country exchanges – 2023 (% of hours) Figure 37 ACER calculation based on TSO data
Percentage of hours when the minimum 70% requirement was reached in the SEE CCR for each Member State and oriented bidding zone border, considering flows induced by third-country exchanges – 2023 (% of hours) Figure 28 ACER calculation based on TSO data
Percentage of hours when the minimum hourly MACZT was above 70% or within predefined ranges for each bidding zone borders and coordination area – 2023 (% of hours) Figure 34 ACER calculation based on TSO data.
Percentage of hours when the minimum hourly MACZT was above 70% or within predefined ranges in the Baltic CCR for each Member State and oriented bidding zone border – 2023 (% of hours) Figure 33 ACER calculation based on TSO data.
Percentage of hours when the minimum hourly MACZT was above 70% or within predefined ranges in the Core CCR for each Member State, considering flows induced by third-country exchanges – 2023 (% of hours) Figure 16 ACER calculation based on TSO data.
Percentage of hours when the minimum hourly MACZT was above 70% or within predefined ranges in the Core CCR for each Member State, excluding flows induced by non-EU country exchanges – 2023 (% of hours) Figure 36 ACER calculation based on TSO data.
Percentage of hours when the minimum hourly MACZT was above 70% or within predefined ranges in the GRIT CCR for each Member State and oriented bidding zone border – 2023 (% of hours) Figure 29 ACER calculation based on TSO data.
Percentage of hours when the minimum hourly MACZT was above 70% or within predefined ranges in the Hansa capacity calculation region per Member State and oriented border – 2023 (% of hours) Figure 31 ACER calculation based on TSO data
Percentage of hours when the minimum hourly MACZT was above 70% or within predefined ranges in the Italy North CCR for each Member State, considering flows induced by third-country exchanges – 2023 (% of hours) Figure 25 ACER calculation based on TSO data
Percentage of hours when the minimum hourly MACZT was above 70% or within predefined ranges in the Nordic CCR for each Member State and oriented bidding zone border – 2023 (% of hours) Figure 30 ACER calculation based on TSO data
Percentage of hours when the minimum hourly MACZT was above 70% or within predefined ranges in the SEE CCR for each Member State, excluding flows induced by third-country exchanges – 2023 (% of hours) Figure 38 ACER calculation based on TSO data.
Percentage of hours when the minimum hourly MACZT was above the interim capacity requirement or predefined ranges in the Hansa CCR for each Member State and oriented bidding zone border – 2023 (% of hours) Figure 32 ACER calculation based on TSO data
Percentage of hours where the applicable minimum capacity requirements, stemming from derogation and/ or action plans, were met in all CNECs in the Core CCR for each Member State, considering flows induced by third-country exchanges – 2023 (% of hours) Figure 19 ACER calculation based on TSO data.
Percentage of market time units with zero available capacity in the intraday time frame on all EU bidding zone borders in the import or export direction for EU bidding zones at the start and end of cross-border intraday trading Figure 14 ACER calculation based on ENTSO-E Transparency Platform data.
Percentage of market time units with zero available capacity in the intraday time frame per bidding zone border in one or both directions at the start of cross-zonal intraday trading – 2023 (% of market time units) Figure 13 ACER calculation based on ENTSO-E Transparency Platform data.
Share of CNECs with positive and negative MNCC as a percentage of all CNECs and respective average levels of MNCC as a percentage of Fmax, considering flows induced by third-country exchanges – 2023 Figure 35 ACER calculation based on TSO data.
Volume of remedial actions activated in Member States as a percentage of electricity demand – 2023 (% of electricity demand) Figure 39 ACER calculation based on NRA and ENTSO-E Transparency Platform data.
Yearly evolution of the average day-ahead import and export cross-zonal capacity of every bidding zone border in the capacity calculation regions, in terms of absolute value and year-on-year change – 2020–2023 (MW and %, respectively) Figure 07 ACER calculation based on JAO Publication Tool and ENTSO-E Transparency Platform data
Yearly evolution of the average intraday cross-zonal capacities in the congested direction of every bidding zone border in the capacity calculation regions, in absolute value and year-on-year change – 2020-2023 (MW and %, respectively) Figure 12 ACER calculation based on ENTSO-E Transparency Platform data.