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Location and relative margin of coordinated capacity of the 25 most limiting critical network elements in Core flow-based market coupling per sum of shadow price - 2023
ACER calculation based on JAO Publication Tool data.
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Figure 11

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Network element Shadow price (EUR/MW) Average RAM (MW) Fmax (MW) Average RAM (% of Fmax)
220kV Pehlin - Divaca57023250.7037467%
Achene - Lonny 380.19280841016.20153766%
Avelgem - Avelin 80113571635.80226572%
Hradec - Rohrsdorf 44632527662.00174638%
Krajnik - Vierraden 289853212.40103920%
Levice - God18713711.10138751%
Meeden-Diele 380 Z142305364.50105335%
Meiningen - Buers 406A854225.2079528%
Obersielach - Podlog 24745037184.2039846%
Sokolnice - Zaya - V24483192.3031262%
St. Peter 2 - Pleinting 258135951430.5062069%
Vigy - Ensdorf VIGY2 S97949699.90188437%
Wien Suedost - Gyoer 24536451141.8023461%
Achene - Gramme 380.10172281121.50156172%
Altheim - Simbach 233/23025869245.0037965%
Buerstadt - Lambsheim BUERST W62323932.70219642%
Krosno Iskrzynia - Rzeszow34999527.20113047%
Mikulowa PST166245544.80132041%
Neuenhagen - Vierraden 30461316135.3041732%
PST Buers BMT3721981133.5051726%
PST Zandvliet 275682943.40147864%
Paroseni - Targu Jiu Nord10468486.8033726%
Pasewalk - Vierraden 30688654135.7041733%
Portile de Fier - Resita c182843104.0036129%
Resita - Timisoara c120517492.0036026%
TR Rosiori 400/220 1139069133.7040033%