Cross-zonal capacities and margin available for electricity trade

Data items

Name Reference Source Business Symbol
Annual evolution of average offered monthly and annual capacities per European region between 2019 and 2022 (MW) Figure 05 ACER calculation based on JAO data
Annual evolution of day-ahead cross-zonal capacities per European region, absolute (top), between 2019 and 2022(MW) Figure 04 ACER calculations based on data from ENTSO-E data
Annual evolution of day-ahead cross-zonal capacities per European region,relative (bottom), between 2019 and 2022 (%) Figure 04 ACER calculations based on data from ENTSO-E data
Average margin available on all relevant CNECs where the minimum 70% target is not reached – 2022 – considering third countries Figure 23b ACER calculation based on TSO data
Average margin available on all relevant CNECs where the minimum 70% target is not reached – 2022 – not considering third countries Figure 23a ACER calculation based on TSO data
Average market impact of the validation adjustments per TSO in the Core region (between 9 June 2022 and 31 December 2022) Figure 26 ACER calculation based on TSO data
Changes in available capacity (NTC) in Europe between 2021 and 2022 (MW) Figure 06 ACER calculation based on ENTSO-E, national regulatory authorities, and Nord Pool data
Fig24_data_Share of CNECs with positive and negative MNCC as a % of all CNECs and respective average levels of MNCC as a % of Fmax – 2022 - considering third countries Figure 24b ACER calculation based on TSO data
Hourly variations in load, import capacity, and day-ahead price in the Baltic region – 17 August 2022 (MW, MW and EUR/MWh, respectively) Figure 34 ACER calculation based on Nord Pool data.
Percentage of hours when the minimum 70% target was reached for countries of continental Europe where a coordinated capacity calculation is not yet implemented, for the whole year of 2022 or relevant periods – considering third countries Figure 21b ACER calculation based on TSO data
Percentage of hours when the minimum 70% target was reached for countries of continental Europe where a coordinated capacity calculation is not yet implemented, for the whole year of 2022 or relevant periods – not considering third countries Figure 21a ACER calculation based on TSO data
Percentage of hours when the minimum 70% target was reached for the internal borders of Italy – 2022 Figure 18 ACER calculation based on TSO data
Percentage of hours when the minimum 70% target was reached for the internal borders of Sweden – 2022 – considering third countries Figure 20b ACER calculation based on TSO data
Percentage of hours when the minimum 70% target was reached for the internal borders of Sweden – 2022 – not considering third countries Figure 20a ACER calculation based on TSO data
Percentage of hours when the minimum 70% target was reached in the CWE region (between 1 January 2022 and 8 June 2022) Figure 11 ACER calculation based on TSO data
Percentage of hours when the minimum 70% target was reached in the Core region (between 9 June 2022 and 31 December 2022) Figure 13 ACER calculation based on TSO data
Percentage of hours when the minimum 70% target was reached in the Italy North region – 2022 Figure 16 ACER calculation based on TSO data
Percentage of hours when the minimum 70% target was reached in the Nordic region – 2022 – considering third countries Figure 19b ACER calculation based on TSO data
Percentage of hours when the minimum 70% target was reached in the Nordic region – 2022 – not considering third countries Figure 19a ACER calculation based on TSO data
Percentage of hours when the minimum 70% target was reached in the SEE region – 2022 – considering third countries Figure 17b ACER calculation based on TSO data
Percentage of hours when the minimum 70% target was reached in the SEE region – 2022 – not considering third countries Figure 17a ACER calculation based on TSO data
Percentage of hours when the minimum 70% target was reached in the SWE region – 2022 Figure 15 ACER calculation based on TSO data
Percentage of hours when the minimum 70% target was reached on DC borders – 2022 Figure 10 ACER calculation based on TSO data and data from ENTSO-E Transparency Platform
Percentage of hours when the minimum 70% target was reached on Polish DC borders, without considering allocation constraints – 2022 Figure 35 ACER calculation based on TSO data
Percentage of hours when the transitional target is met on all CNECs, for Member States with a derogation and/or an action plan that stipulates a target per CNEC – 2022 – considering third countries Figure 22b ACER calculation based on TSO data
Percentage of hours when the transitional target is met on all CNECs, for Member States with a derogation and/or an action plan that stipulates a target per CNEC – 2022 – not considering third countries Figure 22a ACER calculation based on TSO data
Percentage of hours when the transitional target is met on all CNECs, for Member States with a derogation and/or an action plan that stipulates a target per CNEC, when using JAO Publication Tool data for Germany – 2022 – considering third countries Figure 36 ACER calculation based on TSO and JAO data
Sankey diagram of the application of IVAs for the DAVinCy TSOs (between 9 June 2022 and 31 December 2022) Figure 28 ACER calculation based on TSO data
Share of CNECs with positive and negative MNCC as a % of all CNECs and respective average levels of MNCC as a % of Fmax – 2022 - not considering third countries Figure 24a ACER calculation based on TSO data
Simultaneous occurrences of price spikes and low MACZT values in Core Member States since Core capacity calculation go-live (between 9 June 2022 and 31 December 2022) Figure 31 ACER calculation based on TSO data
Yearly evolution of the minimum hourly MACZT values for all CWE countries between 2020 and 2022 - considering third countries Figure 25b ACER calculation based on TSO data
Yearly evolution of the minimum hourly MACZT values for all CWE countries between 2020 and 2022 - not considering third countries Figure 25a ACER calculation based on TSO data