Annual evolution of average offered monthly and annual capacities per European region between 2019 and 2022 (MW) |
Figure 05 |
ACER calculation based on JAO data |
Annual evolution of day-ahead cross-zonal capacities per European region, absolute (top), between 2019 and 2022(MW) |
Figure 04 |
ACER calculations based on data from ENTSO-E data |
Annual evolution of day-ahead cross-zonal capacities per European region,relative (bottom), between 2019 and 2022 (%) |
Figure 04 |
ACER calculations based on data from ENTSO-E data |
Average margin available on all relevant CNECs where the minimum 70% target is not reached – 2022 – considering third countries |
Figure 23b |
ACER calculation based on TSO data |
Average margin available on all relevant CNECs where the minimum 70% target is not reached – 2022 – not considering third countries |
Figure 23a |
ACER calculation based on TSO data |
Average market impact of the validation adjustments per TSO in the Core region (between 9 June 2022 and 31 December 2022) |
Figure 26 |
ACER calculation based on TSO data |
Changes in available capacity (NTC) in Europe between 2021 and 2022 (MW) |
Figure 06 |
ACER calculation based on ENTSO-E, national regulatory authorities, and Nord Pool data |
Fig24_data_Share of CNECs with positive and negative MNCC as a % of all CNECs and respective average levels of MNCC as a % of Fmax – 2022 - considering third countries |
Figure 24b |
ACER calculation based on TSO data |
Hourly variations in load, import capacity, and day-ahead price in the Baltic region – 17 August 2022 (MW, MW and EUR/MWh, respectively) |
Figure 34 |
ACER calculation based on Nord Pool data. |
Percentage of hours when the minimum 70% target was reached for countries of continental Europe where a coordinated capacity calculation is not yet implemented, for the whole year of 2022 or relevant periods – considering third countries |
Figure 21b |
ACER calculation based on TSO data |
Percentage of hours when the minimum 70% target was reached for countries of continental Europe where a coordinated capacity calculation is not yet implemented, for the whole year of 2022 or relevant periods – not considering third countries |
Figure 21a |
ACER calculation based on TSO data |
Percentage of hours when the minimum 70% target was reached for the internal borders of Italy – 2022 |
Figure 18 |
ACER calculation based on TSO data |
Percentage of hours when the minimum 70% target was reached for the internal borders of Sweden – 2022 – considering third countries |
Figure 20b |
ACER calculation based on TSO data |
Percentage of hours when the minimum 70% target was reached for the internal borders of Sweden – 2022 – not considering third countries |
Figure 20a |
ACER calculation based on TSO data |
Percentage of hours when the minimum 70% target was reached in the CWE region (between 1 January 2022 and 8 June 2022) |
Figure 11 |
ACER calculation based on TSO data |
Percentage of hours when the minimum 70% target was reached in the Core region (between 9 June 2022 and 31 December 2022) |
Figure 13 |
ACER calculation based on TSO data |
Percentage of hours when the minimum 70% target was reached in the Italy North region – 2022 |
Figure 16 |
ACER calculation based on TSO data |
Percentage of hours when the minimum 70% target was reached in the Nordic region – 2022 – considering third countries |
Figure 19b |
ACER calculation based on TSO data |
Percentage of hours when the minimum 70% target was reached in the Nordic region – 2022 – not considering third countries |
Figure 19a |
ACER calculation based on TSO data |
Percentage of hours when the minimum 70% target was reached in the SEE region – 2022 – considering third countries |
Figure 17b |
ACER calculation based on TSO data |
Percentage of hours when the minimum 70% target was reached in the SEE region – 2022 – not considering third countries |
Figure 17a |
ACER calculation based on TSO data |
Percentage of hours when the minimum 70% target was reached in the SWE region – 2022 |
Figure 15 |
ACER calculation based on TSO data |
Percentage of hours when the minimum 70% target was reached on DC borders – 2022 |
Figure 10 |
ACER calculation based on TSO data and data from ENTSO-E Transparency Platform |
Percentage of hours when the minimum 70% target was reached on Polish DC borders, without considering allocation constraints – 2022 |
Figure 35 |
ACER calculation based on TSO data |
Percentage of hours when the transitional target is met on all CNECs, for Member States with a derogation and/or an action plan that stipulates a target per CNEC – 2022 – considering third countries |
Figure 22b |
ACER calculation based on TSO data |
Percentage of hours when the transitional target is met on all CNECs, for Member States with a derogation and/or an action plan that stipulates a target per CNEC – 2022 – not considering third countries |
Figure 22a |
ACER calculation based on TSO data |
Percentage of hours when the transitional target is met on all CNECs, for Member States with a derogation and/or an action plan that stipulates a target per CNEC, when using JAO Publication Tool data for Germany – 2022 – considering third countries |
Figure 36 |
ACER calculation based on TSO and JAO data |
Sankey diagram of the application of IVAs for the DAVinCy TSOs (between 9 June 2022 and 31 December 2022) |
Figure 28 |
ACER calculation based on TSO data |
Share of CNECs with positive and negative MNCC as a % of all CNECs and respective average levels of MNCC as a % of Fmax – 2022 - not considering third countries |
Figure 24a |
ACER calculation based on TSO data |
Simultaneous occurrences of price spikes and low MACZT values in Core Member States since Core capacity calculation go-live (between 9 June 2022 and 31 December 2022) |
Figure 31 |
ACER calculation based on TSO data |
Yearly evolution of the minimum hourly MACZT values for all CWE countries between 2020 and 2022 - considering third countries |
Figure 25b |
ACER calculation based on TSO data |
Yearly evolution of the minimum hourly MACZT values for all CWE countries between 2020 and 2022 - not considering third countries |
Figure 25a |
ACER calculation based on TSO data |