Data Item Details

Percentage of hours when the minimum 70% target was reached in the CWE region (between 1 January 2022 and 8 June 2022)
ACER calculation based on TSO data
Business Symbol
Figure 11

Data item data can be filtered and exported as an Excel file.
The reason for exporting is asked during export once per session.

Fields to export

Country Category Third countries Percentage of hours [%]
AT[50% - 70%[No third countries61%
AT>= 70%No third countries19%
AT>= 70%With third countries23%
AT[50% - 70%[With third countries61%
ATNo information providedNo third countries
AT< 20%With third countries
AT[20% - 50%[With third countries15%
AT[20% - 50%[No third countries20%
ATNo information providedWith third countries
BE>= 70%With third countries
BENo information providedWith third countries
BE>= 70%No third countries
BE[20% - 50%[No third countries42%
BE[20% - 50%[With third countries41%
BE[50% - 70%[With third countries54%
BE[50% - 70%[No third countries53%
BENo information providedNo third countries
BE< 20%With third countries
BE< 20%No third countries
DE[50% - 70%[With third countries
DE[20% - 50%[With third countries64%
DE[20% - 50%[No third countries60%
DE< 20%With third countries36%
DE< 20%No third countries39%
DENo information providedNo third countries
DENo information providedWith third countries
DE[50% - 70%[No third countries
FR[20% - 50%[With third countries43%
FR[50% - 70%[With third countries50%
FR< 20%With third countries
FR< 20%No third countries
FR[50% - 70%[No third countries58%
FR>= 70%No third countries10%
FR>= 70%With third countries5%
FR[20% - 50%[No third countries31%
FRNo information providedNo third countries
FRNo information providedWith third countries
NL[50% - 70%[No third countries8%
NL[50% - 70%[With third countries12%
NL< 20%No third countries12%
NL[20% - 50%[No third countries80%
NL[20% - 50%[With third countries59%
NL< 20%With third countries29%
NLNo information providedNo third countries
NLNo information providedWith third countries