Security of Supply Report 2021

Data items

Name Reference Source Business Symbol
Adequacy concern in Member States in any of the next 10 years indicated by the national resource adequacy assessment performed in 2021 Figure 5 ACER based on NRA data
Capacity mechanisms in the EU-27 – 2021 Figure 7 ACER based on NRA data
Capacity remunerated through capacity mechanisms per type of technology in EU-27 – 2019-2022 (GW) Figure 11 ACER calculations based on data from NRAs and, in the case of Italy, also from publicly available information on auction results
Costs incurred or projected to finance capacity mechanism in the EU-27 (left) and per Member State (right) – 2020–2023 (million euros) Figure 8 ACER calculations based on NRA data
Costs incurred or projected to finance capacity mechanisms per unit demand – 2020-2022, and expressed as a percentage of the annual average day-ahead price in Europe – 2021 (euros per MWh of demand and %, respectively) Figure 10 ACER calculations based on NRA and ENTSO-E data
Fixed CONE and technology defining the reliability standard – status as of July 2022 (euros/MW) Figure 2 ACER based on NRA data
Interruptibility schemes in Europe - 2021 Figure 13 ACER based on information provided by NRAs and, in case of France, by the TSO
Long-term contracted capacity and relevant costs by type of technology in the EU-27 – 2026-2035 (GW and million euros, respectively) Figure 12 ACER calculations based on data from NRAs and, in the case of Italy, also from publicly available information on auction results
Maximum loss of load probability (LOLP) taking into account non-market resources in the past four ENTSO-E seasonal adequacy assessments (%) ‒ 2020-2022 Figure 6 ACER based on the results of the seasonal resource adequacy assessments
Number of interruptibility scheme activations over 2018 – 2021 Figure 15 ACER based on information provided by NRAs and, in case of France, also by the TSO
Ranges of the capital cost, fixed cost and WACC for selected technologies considered in the CONE calculations – 2021 (euros/kW, euros/kW/year and % respectively) Figure 19 ACER based on NRA data
Realised and projected costs of the interruptibility schemes – 2018-2022 (million euros) Figure 14 ACER based on information provided by the NRAs and, in the case of France, also by the TSO
Reliability standard as LOLE – status as of July 2022 (hours/year) Figure 3 & i ACER based on NRA data
Sectoral VOLL values used in the calculation of the single VOLL – status as of July 2022 (euros/MWh) Figure 18 ACER based on NRA data
Single VOLL for the calculation of the reliability standard ‒ status as of July 2022 (euros/MWh) Figure 1 ACER based on NRA data
Total capacity contracted as network reserves in Austria (2021) and Germany – 2018-2021 (MW) Figure 16 ACER based on NRA data
Total cost of network reserves in Austria and Germany – 2018-2021 (million euros) Figure 17 ACER based on NRA data
Unit cost of capacity mechanisms – 2020-2023 (thousand euros per MW) Figure 9 ACER calculations based on NRA data