Adequacy concern in Member States in any of the next 10 years indicated by the national resource adequacy assessment performed in 2021 |
Figure 5 |
ACER based on NRA data |
Capacity mechanisms in the EU-27 – 2021 |
Figure 7 |
ACER based on NRA data |
Capacity remunerated through capacity mechanisms per type of technology in EU-27 – 2019-2022 (GW) |
Figure 11 |
ACER calculations based on data from NRAs and, in the case of Italy, also from publicly available information on auction results |
Costs incurred or projected to finance capacity mechanism in the EU-27 (left) and per Member State (right) – 2020–2023 (million euros) |
Figure 8 |
ACER calculations based on NRA data |
Costs incurred or projected to finance capacity mechanisms per unit demand – 2020-2022, and expressed as a percentage of the annual average day-ahead price in Europe – 2021 (euros per MWh of demand and %, respectively) |
Figure 10 |
ACER calculations based on NRA and ENTSO-E data |
Fixed CONE and technology defining the reliability standard – status as of July 2022 (euros/MW) |
Figure 2 |
ACER based on NRA data |
Interruptibility schemes in Europe - 2021 |
Figure 13 |
ACER based on information provided by NRAs and, in case of France, by the TSO |
Long-term contracted capacity and relevant costs by type of technology in the EU-27 – 2026-2035 (GW and million euros, respectively) |
Figure 12 |
ACER calculations based on data from NRAs and, in the case of Italy, also from publicly available information on auction results |
Maximum loss of load probability (LOLP) taking into account non-market resources in the past four ENTSO-E seasonal adequacy assessments (%) ‒ 2020-2022 |
Figure 6 |
ACER based on the results of the seasonal resource adequacy assessments |
Number of interruptibility scheme activations over 2018 – 2021 |
Figure 15 |
ACER based on information provided by NRAs and, in case of France, also by the TSO |
Ranges of the capital cost, fixed cost and WACC for selected technologies considered in the CONE calculations – 2021 (euros/kW, euros/kW/year and % respectively) |
Figure 19 |
ACER based on NRA data |
Realised and projected costs of the interruptibility schemes – 2018-2022 (million euros) |
Figure 14 |
ACER based on information provided by the NRAs and, in the case of France, also by the TSO |
Reliability standard as LOLE – status as of July 2022 (hours/year) |
Figure 3 & i |
ACER based on NRA data |
Sectoral VOLL values used in the calculation of the single VOLL – status as of July 2022 (euros/MWh) |
Figure 18 |
ACER based on NRA data |
Single VOLL for the calculation of the reliability standard ‒ status as of July 2022 (euros/MWh) |
Figure 1 |
ACER based on NRA data |
Total capacity contracted as network reserves in Austria (2021) and Germany – 2018-2021 (MW) |
Figure 16 |
ACER based on NRA data |
Total cost of network reserves in Austria and Germany – 2018-2021 (million euros) |
Figure 17 |
ACER based on NRA data |
Unit cost of capacity mechanisms – 2020-2023 (thousand euros per MW) |
Figure 9 |
ACER calculations based on NRA data |