Data Item Details

Maximum loss of load probability (LOLP) taking into account non-market resources in the past four ENTSO-E seasonal adequacy assessments (%) ‒ 2020-2022
ACER based on the results of the seasonal resource adequacy assessments
Business Symbol
Figure 6
Weekly LOLP represents a probability that lack of supply could be expected for at least one hour and for any amount of energy. LOLP under normal market conditions represents the probability that TSOs would need to identify non-market resources. Weekly LOLP with non-market resources represents the probability that the power system may face a lack of supply. TSOs may need to identify non-market measures and, if none are available, partial and controlled demand-shedding for a limited duration will be necessary to restore power balance.

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Fields to export

Bidding Zone ENTSO-E Seasonal Assessment LOLP (%)
CY2021 summer1.60
DK2020-2021 winter50.20
FI2020-2021 winter0.50
FR2020-2021 winter11.80
FR2021-2022 winter4.90
IE2021 summer3.40
IE2021-2022 winter2.20
IT - Sardinia2020 summer0.70
IT - Sicily2020 summer2.00
MT2020 summer0.10
MT2020-2021 winter1.00
MT2021 summer0.10
MT2021-2022 winter2.20
PL2020 summer0.10