Data Item Details

Overview of TTF month-ahead prices and various NWE DES LNG price assessments (EUR/MWh) – 2023
ACER based on LNG price assessment, Argus, Platts, and ICE
Business Symbol
Figure 26
TTF month-ahead price assessments related to ICE exchange. LNG price assessment from Platts, Argus and ACER relate to NWE transactions.

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Year Quarter Month Source Price (EUR/MWh)
2023Qtr 1JanuaryLNG ACER55.46
2023Qtr 1JanuaryLNG Argus56.50
2023Qtr 1JanuaryLNG Platts53.40
2023Qtr 1JanuaryTTF ICE55.42
2023Qtr 1FebruaryLNG ACER50.29
2023Qtr 1FebruaryLNG Argus46.67
2023Qtr 1FebruaryLNG Platts46.91
2023Qtr 1FebruaryTTF ICE50.84
2023Qtr 1MarchLNG ACER40.14
2023Qtr 1MarchLNG Argus39.43
2023Qtr 1MarchLNG Platts39.71
2023Qtr 1MarchTTF ICE44.23
2023Qtr 2AprilLNG ACER36.36
2023Qtr 2AprilLNG Argus36.07
2023Qtr 2AprilLNG Platts35.60
2023Qtr 2AprilTTF ICE42.07
2023Qtr 2MayLNG ACER28.71
2023Qtr 2MayLNG Argus26.62
2023Qtr 2MayLNG Platts27.21
2023Qtr 2MayTTF ICE30.77
2023Qtr 2JuneLNG ACER29.73
2023Qtr 2JuneLNG Argus31.73
2023Qtr 2JuneLNG Platts31.05
2023Qtr 2JuneTTF ICE33.60
2023Qtr 3JulyLNG ACER29.86
2023Qtr 3JulyLNG Argus28.91
2023Qtr 3JulyLNG Platts29.21
2023Qtr 3JulyTTF ICE29.63
2023Qtr 3AugustLNG ACER33.45
2023Qtr 3AugustLNG Argus35.95
2023Qtr 3AugustLNG Platts35.63
2023Qtr 3AugustTTF ICE34.85
2023Qtr 3SeptemberLNG ACER36.28
2023Qtr 3SeptemberLNG Argus36.81
2023Qtr 3SeptemberLNG Platts36.50
2023Qtr 3SeptemberTTF ICE36.73
2023Qtr 4OctoberLNG ACER43.69
2023Qtr 4OctoberLNG Argus46.48
2023Qtr 4OctoberLNG Platts48.14
2023Qtr 4OctoberTTF ICE46.93
2023Qtr 4NovemberLNG ACER42.85
2023Qtr 4NovemberLNG Argus43.72
2023Qtr 4NovemberLNG Platts43.73
2023Qtr 4NovemberTTF ICE45.75
2023Qtr 4DecemberLNG ACER36.41
2023Qtr 4DecemberLNG Argus33.83
2023Qtr 4DecemberLNG Platts33.75
2023Qtr 4DecemberTTF ICE35.97
2024Qtr 1JanuaryLNG ACER27.91
2024Qtr 1JanuaryLNG Argus27.61
2024Qtr 1JanuaryLNG Platts27.61
2024Qtr 1JanuaryTTF ICE29.91
2024Qtr 1FebruaryLNG ACER24.87
2024Qtr 1FebruaryLNG Argus23.89
2024Qtr 1FebruaryLNG Platts24.02
2024Qtr 1FebruaryTTF ICE25.76
2024Qtr 1MarchLNG ACER25.06
2024Qtr 1MarchLNG Argus25.30
2024Qtr 1MarchLNG Platts25.42
2024Qtr 1MarchTTF ICE26.58