Data Item Details

Congestion management at transmission level per type of procurement and per Member State - 2022
ACER based on NRA data
Business Symbol
Figure 25

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Fields to export

Member State TSOs_Business-as-usual approach to solve congestions Pilot projects_Regulatory sandboxes_Plans
ATMarket based redispatching + Non-market-based redispatching
BENon-market-based redispatching
BGNA (Not available)
CYNA (Not available)
CZNon-market-based redispatchingPlanning additional or alternative market-based procurement set-up(s)
DENon-market-based redispatching
DKNAP (Not applicable: no congestions in the transmission network)
EENAP (Not applicable: no congestions in the transmission network)
ESMarket based redispatching + Non-market-based redispatching
FIMarket based redispatching
FRMarket based redispatching
GRIntegrated scheduling process
HRNon-market-based redispatching
HUNon-market-based redispatching
IEIntegrated scheduling process
ITIntegrated scheduling process
LTNAP (Not applicable: no congestions in the transmission network)
LUNAP (Not applicable: no congestions in the transmission network)
LVNAP (Not applicable: no congestions in the transmission network)
MTNAP (Not applicable: no congestions in the transmission network)
NLMarket based redispatching + Non-market-based redispatching
NOMarket based redispatching
PLNon-market-based redispatching + Integrated scheduling process
PTMarket based redispatching
ROMarket based redispatchingPlanning additional or alternative market-based procurement set-up(s)
SEMarket based redispatchingPlanning additional or alternative market-based procurement set-up(s)
SINAP (Not applicable: no congestions in the transmission network)
SKNon-market-based redispatching