Data Item Details

Capacity prequalified (upward/downward) of distributed energy resources per balancing product and per Member State - 2022 (pie charts)(MW and %)
ACER calculations based on NRA data
Business Symbol
Figure 22

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Fields to export

Type of Distributed energy resource Total capacity prequalified (upward) (MW) Total capacity prequalified (downward) (MW) Share of each type of distributed energy resource over the total capacity prequalified of distributed energy resources at EU level (Upward) (%) Share of each type of distributed energy resource over the total capacity prequalified of distributed energy resources at EU level (Downward) (%)
Distributed generation9890-159670.480.60
Storage excluding hydro, pumped-hydro, and batteries (upward) 18-170.000.00
Total demand response (upward)8994-88250.440.33
Total distributed energy resources20582-26489