Data Item Details

Emergency measures referenced by ACER per Member State in the EU-27/EEA (Norway), July 2021 – February 2023 (number of measures)
Business Symbol
Figure 09

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Fields to export

Country Measure Category Number of measures
ATDirect support to final consumers12
ATGas substitution2
ATPrimary fuel supply2
ATIntervention wholesale market1
ATEnergy saving2
BEDirect support to final consumers19
BEIntervention retail market1
BEEnergy saving7
BEGas substitution2
BERisk preparedness2
BGPrimary fuel supply1
BGIntervention retail market3
BGIntervention wholesale market1
BGDirect support to final consumers7
CYIntervention wholesale market1
CYGas substitution4
CYEnergy saving3
CYDirect support to final consumers5
CZIntervention wholesale market1
CZRisk preparedness1
CZDirect support to final consumers10
CZGas substitution2
CZEnergy saving1
CZIntervention retail market1
DEDirect support to final consumers15
DEEnergy saving5
DEPrimary fuel supply2
DEGas substitution5
DEIntervention retail market2
DEIntervention wholesale market2
DKEnergy saving2
DKDirect support to final consumers4
EEDirect support to final consumers11
EEIntervention retail market3
EEPrimary fuel supply2
ESGas substitution3
ESDirect support to final consumers10
ESEnergy saving2
ESIntervention wholesale market2
ESPrimary fuel supply2
ESIntervention retail market1
FIDirect support to final consumers5
FIEnergy saving2
FIPrimary fuel supply1
FRIntervention retail market2
FRDirect support to final consumers2
FREnergy saving5
FRGas substitution1
FRPrimary fuel supply2
FRRisk preparedness1
GRDirect support to final consumers7
GRGas substitution3
GRPrimary fuel supply3
GREnergy saving1
GRIntervention wholesale market1
GRRisk preparedness1
HRDirect support to final consumers5
HRGas substitution2
HRIntervention wholesale market3
HRIntervention retail market1
HRRisk preparedness1
HUGas substitution4
HUEnergy saving4
HUDirect support to final consumers5
HUIntervention retail market3
HUIntervention wholesale market3
HUPrimary fuel supply4
IEDirect support to final consumers8
IEEnergy saving2
IEGas substitution2
ITDirect support to final consumers5
ITGas substitution2
ITIntervention wholesale market2
ITEnergy saving1
ITPrimary fuel supply1
LTIntervention wholesale market2
LTEnergy saving5
LTDirect support to final consumers6
LTGas substitution1
LTIntervention retail market1
LUEnergy saving3
LUDirect support to final consumers10
LUGas substitution4
LURisk preparedness2
LUPrimary fuel supply1
LVDirect support to final consumers5
LVPrimary fuel supply2
LVEnergy saving1
MTEnergy saving2
MTIntervention retail market1
MTDirect support to final consumers1
NLEnergy saving2
NLIntervention wholesale market1
NLIntervention retail market1
NLGas substitution1
NLPrimary fuel supply2
NLDirect support to final consumers4
NODirect support to final consumers11
NOEnergy saving2
PLEnergy saving2
PLDirect support to final consumers8
PLIntervention wholesale market3
PLIntervention retail market3
PTIntervention wholesale market2
PTPrimary fuel supply2
PTIntervention retail market2
PTDirect support to final consumers9
PTEnergy saving1
PTGas substitution1
RODirect support to final consumers2
ROIntervention retail market2
ROIntervention wholesale market2
ROEnergy saving1
SEDirect support to final consumers1
SERisk preparedness1
SIEnergy saving2
SIIntervention retail market4
SIDirect support to final consumers7
SIGas substitution1
SIIntervention wholesale market1
SKDirect support to final consumers8
SKIntervention retail market1
SKIntervention wholesale market1
SKPrimary fuel supply1
SKRisk preparedness1