Data Item Details

Average oriented LFs in Continental Europe
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E and Vulcanus data
Business Symbol
Figure 59

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Fields to export

Border direction Flow direction Loop Flows MW
AT > CHSame direction as physical flow10
AT > DEOpposite physical flow90
AT > HUSame direction as physical flow68
AT > ITSame direction as physical flow37
AT > SISame direction as physical flow138
BE > FROpposite physical flow260
BG > GRSame direction as physical flow64
CH > DEOpposite physical flow172
CH > FROpposite physical flow370
CZ > ATSame direction as physical flow288
CZ > SKSame direction as physical flow147
DE > CZSame direction as physical flow145
DE > NLSame direction as physical flow274
DE > PLSame direction as physical flow397
ES > PTSame direction as physical flow1
FR > DESame direction as physical flow639
FR > ESSame direction as physical flow13
HU > HRSame direction as physical flow309
HU > ROSame direction as physical flow97
IT > CHOpposite physical flow532
IT > FROpposite physical flow54
NL > BESame direction as physical flow268
PL > CZSame direction as physical flow281
PL > SKSame direction as physical flow127
RO > BGSame direction as physical flow205
SI > ITSame direction as physical flow419
SK > HUSame direction as physical flow228