Data Item Details

Average oriented UFs in Continental Europe
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E and Vulcanus data
Business Symbol
Figure 57

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Fields to export

Border direction Flow direction Unscheduled flows [MW]
AT > CHSame direction as physical flow31
AT > HUSame direction as physical flow183
BE > NLOpposite physical flow122
CH > FROpposite physical flow985
CZ > ATSame direction as physical flow969
DE > ATSame direction as physical flow128
DE > CHSame direction as physical flow717
DE > CZSame direction as physical flow242
DE > NLSame direction as physical flow65
DE > PLSame direction as physical flow950
ES > FROpposite physical flow2
ES > PTSame direction as physical flow7
FR > BESame direction as physical flow136
FR > DESame direction as physical flow1315
GR > BGOpposite physical flow147
GR > ITSame direction as physical flow270
HU > HRSame direction as physical flow339
HU > ROSame direction as physical flow110
IT > ATOpposite physical flow27
IT > CHOpposite physical flow236
IT > FROpposite physical flow238
PL > CZSame direction as physical flow589
PL > SKSame direction as physical flow538
RO > BGSame direction as physical flow163
SI > ATOpposite physical flow4
SI > ITSame direction as physical flow404
SK > CZOpposite physical flow131
SK > HUSame direction as physical flow39