Data Item Details

Level of efficient use of cross-zonal capacity
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E data
Business Symbol
Figure 24

Data item data can be filtered and exported as an Excel file.
The reason for exporting is asked during export once per session.

Fields to export

Border Is market coupled Montly percentage
AT - CHno66
AT - CZno56
AT - HUno91
AT - IT Northyes100
AT - SIyes100
BG - GRno80
BG - ROno34
CH - DE_LUno67
CH - FRno79
CH - IT Northno91
CZ - DE 50Hztno33
CZ - DE Tennetno53
CZ - PLno77
CZ - SKyes100
DE_LU - DK1yes99
DE_LU - DK2yes100
DE_LU - SE4yes100
DK1 - NO2yes100
DK1 - SE3yes99
DK2 - SE4yes100
EE - FIyes100
EE - LVyes100
ES - FRyes100
ES - PTyes100
FI - SE1yes100
FI - SE3yes100
FR - GByes99
FR - IT Northyes100
GB - NIyes97
GB - NLyes100
GB - SEMyes97
GR - IT Southno84
HR - HUno34
HR - SIyes100
HU - ROyes99
HU - SKyes100
IT North - SIyes100
LT - LVyes100
LT - PLno93
LT - SE4yes100
NL - NO2yes100
NO1 - SE3yes100
NO3 - SE2yes100
NO4 - SE1yes100
NO4 - SE2yes100
PL - SE4yes96
PL - SKno19