Annual congestion income per Energy Community Contracting Party and adjacent EU Member State, and year-on-year change, 2022-2023 (Million EUR and %) |
Figure 30 |
Energy Community Regulatory Authorities and ACER |
Average cross border marginal price plotted against the share of activated over offered balancing energy from aFRR on PICASSO considering exchanges for each 15-minute imbalance settlement period, in Austria – 2023 (EUR) |
Figure 25 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E transparency platform |
Average day-ahead price as a function of the share of inflexible generation in the, EU-27, 2023 (% and EUR/MWh) |
Figure 5 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E and REMIT data. |
Average day-ahead prices in the EU-27/EEA(Norway), Switzerland,between 1 July2024 andto 23 September 2024,at 19:00 (EUR/MWh) |
Figure 9 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E Transparency Platform data. |
Average return on investment of a large-scale battery in the EU-27, (2020-2023) |
Figure 10 |
ACER calculations based on REMIT data and the Joint Research Centre report Batteries for Energy Storage in the European Union – Status report on technology development, trends, value chains and markets – 2022 |
Churn factors in a selection of European forward markets – 2020-2023 (%) |
Figure 16 |
ACER calculations based on REMIT data. |
Day-ahead price convergence per border - 2023 (%) |
Figure 29 |
Energy Community Regulatory Authorities |
Day-ahead prices and volatility in the EU-27, 2019-2023 (EUR/MWh and %, respectively) |
Figure 3 |
ACER calculations based on REMIT data. |
Day-ahead prices in the EU-27/EEA(Norway), and Switzerland, as at 20 September 2023, at 11:00 (EUR/MWh) |
Figure 8 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E Transparency Platform data. |
Day-ahead prices in the EU-27/EEA(Norway), and Switzerland, as at 20 September 2023, at 11:00 (EUR/MWh) |
Figure 8 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E Transparency Platform data. |
Disclosed contracted capacity (GW) and deals |
Figure 24 |
European PPA Market Outlook 2024 by Pexapark |
Distribution of LTTR auction competition, measured as the ratio between number of auction participants and auction winners, and average ex-post risk premium – 2016-2024 (% and EUR/MWh) |
Figure 21 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E transparency platform data |
Evolution of brokered versus exchange trading in the EU-27 – 2020-2023 |
Figure 17 |
ACER calculations based on REMIT data. |
Forward risk premium on selected EU borders based on EEX baseload future contracts traded in the two hours before auction gate closure ,– 2021-2024 (EUR/MWh and number of occurrences) |
Figure 22 |
ACER calculation based on JAO Auction Tool data and trades of EEX future contracts recorded through REMIT. |
Level of efficient use of cross-zonal capacity in the day-ahead market timeframe - 2023 (%) |
Figure 31 |
Energy Community Regulatory Authorities |
Net financial transfer from TSOs to LTTR holders, displayed as the share of the total LTTR renumeration per year – 2015-2024 (%) |
Figure 19 |
ACER calculation based on JAO Auction Tool and ENTSO-E transparency platform data. |
Network Transfer Capacity development for Ukraine's export and import commercial exchanges with Europe – June 2022 to September 2024 (MW) |
Figure 32 |
ENTSO-e, Energy Community Regulatory Authorities |
Number of hours when prices are below EUR 5 MWh in the, EU-27, 2019-2023 (sum of number of hours per bidding zone) |
Figure 7 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E and REMIT data. |
Number of low-price events and average day-ahead prices across all EU-27 bidding zones, 2019-2023 (number of hours when prices are below EUR 5 MWh and EUR/MWh, respectively) |
Page 5 |
European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) calculations based on European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) and Regulation on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency (REMIT) data |
Percentage of hours when a certain share of renewable generation is met in the EU-27, 2019-2023 (%) |
Figure 6 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E and REMIT data. |
Percentage of hours when electricity day-ahead prices were above the costs of producing electricity from gas and gas-produced electricity as a share of the total electricity production on average in the EU-27, 2020-2023 |
Figure 1 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E transparency platform |
Percentage of the time when potentially non-responsive generation represents at least half of total generation in the EU-27, 2019-2023 (% of hours) |
Figure 2 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E transparency platform (actual generation per type) |
Percentage of time Czechia has available transfer capacity above a given threshold, considering current or all borders are active on PICASSO, 2023, (%) |
Figure 27 |
ACER calculations based on the JAO Publication Tool and TransnetBW website on PICASSO |
Relative shares of traded volume per year in the future for delivery in Germany – |
Page 7 |
ACER calculations based on REMIT data. |
Relative shares of traded volume per year in the future for delivery in Germany – 2021-2023 (%) |
Figure 18 |
ACER calculations based on REMIT data. |
Share of continuous intraday-traded volumes according to infra-zonal versus cross-zonal nature of trades in Europe and yearly continuous intraday-traded volumes – 2020-2023 (% and TWh) |
Figure 15 |
ACER calculations based on REMIT data |
Share of electricity in final energy demand in residential and industrial sectors, in the EU-27, 2022 (TWh) |
Figure 11 |
Share of price incidents during which the bidding zones having price incidents face cross-border capacity limitations in the direction of all neighbouring bidding zones, 2023 (%) |
Figure 26 |
ACER calculations based on TransnetBW data on PICASSO |
Status of implementation of terms and conditions or methodologies under Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management, Forward Capacity Allocation, Electricity Balancing and System Operation Regulations (count of methodologies) |
Figure 12 |
National Regulatory Authorities |
The median and 99th percentiles of the absolute net position for the Czech TSO and the corresponding averages for all other PICASSO TSOs during price incidents in Czechia, 2023, (MW) |
Figure 28 |
ACER calculations based on the TransnetBW website on PICASSO |
Yearly churn factors in major European intraday markets by type of trade – 2021–2023 |
Figure 14 |
Nautilus |
Yearly intraday trading in Europe, 2020-2023 (% and TWh) |
Page 5 |
ACER calculations based on REMIT data |
Yearly occurrences of negative prices as a function of their duration in consecutive hours – in the EU-27, 20219-2023 (sum of occurrences per bidding zone) |
Figure 4 |
ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E and REMIT data. |