Market Integration

Data items

Name Reference Source Business Symbol
Annual congestion income per Energy Community Contracting Party and adjacent EU Member State, and year-on-year change, 2022-2023 (Million EUR and %) Figure 30 Energy Community Regulatory Authorities and ACER
Average cross border marginal price plotted against the share of activated over offered balancing energy from aFRR on PICASSO considering exchanges for each 15-minute imbalance settlement period, in Austria – 2023 (EUR) Figure 25 ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E transparency platform
Average day-ahead price as a function of the share of inflexible generation in the, EU-27, 2023 (% and EUR/MWh) Figure 5 ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E and REMIT data.
Average day-ahead prices in the EU-27/EEA(Norway), Switzerland,between 1 July2024 andto 23 September 2024,at 19:00 (EUR/MWh) Figure 9 ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E Transparency Platform data.
Average return on investment of a large-scale battery in the EU-27, (2020-2023) Figure 10 ACER calculations based on REMIT data and the Joint Research Centre report Batteries for Energy Storage in the European Union – Status report on technology development, trends, value chains and markets – 2022
Churn factors in a selection of European forward markets – 2020-2023 (%) Figure 16 ACER calculations based on REMIT data.
Day-ahead price convergence per border - 2023 (%) Figure 29 Energy Community Regulatory Authorities
Day-ahead prices and volatility in the EU-27, 2019-2023 (EUR/MWh and %, respectively) Figure 3 ACER calculations based on REMIT data.
Day-ahead prices in the EU-27/EEA(Norway), and Switzerland, as at 20 September 2023, at 11:00 (EUR/MWh) Figure 8 ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E Transparency Platform data.
Day-ahead prices in the EU-27/EEA(Norway), and Switzerland, as at 20 September 2023, at 11:00 (EUR/MWh) Figure 8 ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E Transparency Platform data.
Disclosed contracted capacity (GW) and deals Figure 24 European PPA Market Outlook 2024 by Pexapark
Distribution of LTTR auction competition, measured as the ratio between number of auction participants and auction winners, and average ex-post risk premium – 2016-2024 (% and EUR/MWh) Figure 21 ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E transparency platform data
Evolution of brokered versus exchange trading in the EU-27 – 2020-2023 Figure 17 ACER calculations based on REMIT data.
Forward risk premium on selected EU borders based on EEX baseload future contracts traded in the two hours before auction gate closure ,– 2021-2024 (EUR/MWh and number of occurrences) Figure 22 ACER calculation based on JAO Auction Tool data and trades of EEX future contracts recorded through REMIT.
Level of efficient use of cross-zonal capacity in the day-ahead market timeframe - 2023 (%) Figure 31 Energy Community Regulatory Authorities
Net financial transfer from TSOs to LTTR holders, displayed as the share of the total LTTR renumeration per year – 2015-2024 (%) Figure 19 ACER calculation based on JAO Auction Tool and ENTSO-E transparency platform data.
Network Transfer Capacity development for Ukraine's export and import commercial exchanges with Europe – June 2022 to September 2024 (MW) Figure 32 ENTSO-e, Energy Community Regulatory Authorities
Number of hours when prices are below EUR 5 MWh in the, EU-27, 2019-2023 (sum of number of hours per bidding zone) Figure 7 ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E and REMIT data.
Number of low-price events and average day-ahead prices across all EU-27 bidding zones, 2019-2023 (number of hours when prices are below EUR 5 MWh and EUR/MWh, respectively) Page 5 European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) calculations based on European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) and Regulation on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency (REMIT) data
Percentage of hours when a certain share of renewable generation is met in the EU-27, 2019-2023 (%) Figure 6 ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E and REMIT data.
Percentage of hours when electricity day-ahead prices were above the costs of producing electricity from gas and gas-produced electricity as a share of the total electricity production on average in the EU-27, 2020-2023 Figure 1 ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E transparency platform
Percentage of the time when potentially non-responsive generation represents at least half of total generation in the EU-27, 2019-2023 (% of hours) Figure 2 ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E transparency platform (actual generation per type)
Percentage of time Czechia has available transfer capacity above a given threshold, considering current or all borders are active on PICASSO, 2023, (%) Figure 27 ACER calculations based on the JAO Publication Tool and TransnetBW website on PICASSO
Relative shares of traded volume per year in the future for delivery in Germany – Page 7 ACER calculations based on REMIT data.
Relative shares of traded volume per year in the future for delivery in Germany – 2021-2023 (%) Figure 18 ACER calculations based on REMIT data.
Share of continuous intraday-traded volumes according to infra-zonal versus cross-zonal nature of trades in Europe and yearly continuous intraday-traded volumes – 2020-2023 (% and TWh) Figure 15 ACER calculations based on REMIT data
Share of electricity in final energy demand in residential and industrial sectors, in the EU-27, 2022 (TWh) Figure 11 EUROSTAT
Share of price incidents during which the bidding zones having price incidents face cross-border capacity limitations in the direction of all neighbouring bidding zones, 2023 (%) Figure 26 ACER calculations based on TransnetBW data on PICASSO
Status of implementation of terms and conditions or methodologies under Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management, Forward Capacity Allocation, Electricity Balancing and System Operation Regulations (count of methodologies) Figure 12 National Regulatory Authorities
The median and 99th percentiles of the absolute net position for the Czech TSO and the corresponding averages for all other PICASSO TSOs during price incidents in Czechia, 2023, (MW) Figure 28 ACER calculations based on the TransnetBW website on PICASSO
Yearly churn factors in major European intraday markets by type of trade – 2021–2023 Figure 14 Nautilus
Yearly intraday trading in Europe, 2020-2023 (% and TWh) Page 5 ACER calculations based on REMIT data
Yearly occurrences of negative prices as a function of their duration in consecutive hours – in the EU-27, 20219-2023 (sum of occurrences per bidding zone) Figure 4 ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E and REMIT data.