Market Integration

Data items

Name Reference Source Business Symbol
Absolute sum of intraday nominations at all EU borders - 2020-2022 (TWh) Figure 15 ACER calculations based on REMIT data
Annual congestion income per Member State and year-on-year change - 2021-2022 (Million EUR and %) Figure 12 ACER
Average ex-post risk premium of long-term transmission rights for a selection of EU borders - 2022 (EUR/MWh) Figure 11 ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E data
Average prices of balancing capacity (upward and downward capacity from aFRR) and year-on-year change from 2021 in selected European markets - 2022 (EUR/MWh, %) Figure 21 ACER calculations based on NRA data
Average risk premium of long-term transmission rights in the forward markets for a selection of EU borders - 2022 (EUR/MWh) Figure 09 ACER calculations based on REMIT and JAO data
Balancing capacity contracted cross-border as a percentage of the national requirements of reserve capacity for FCR (left) and balancing energy activated cross-border as a % of the total balancing energy activated to meet national needs (right)- 2022 (%) Figure 26 ACER calculations based on NRA data
Balancing capacity contracted cross-border as a percentage of the national requirements of reserve capacity for FCR - 2022 (%) Figure 26(1) ACER calculations based on NRA data
Balancing energy activated cross-borders as a percentage of the total balancing energy activated to meet national needs - 2022 (%) Figure 26(2) ACER calculations based on NRA data
Churn factors in a selection of European forward markets - 2019-2022 Figure 05 ACER calculation based on REMIT and ENTSO-E data
Churn factors in major European day-ahead markets - 2019-2022 Figure 13 ACER calculations based on REMIT and ENTSO-E data
Comparison of average prices for balancing capacity per year and reserve type in European markets for the period 2019-2022 (EUR/MWh) Figure 20 ACER calculations based on NRA data
Distribution of total upward and downward re-dispatching volume by technology in the EU - 2022 (% of MWh) Figure 33(2) ACER calculations based on NRA data
Distribution of total upward and downward re-dispatching volume by underlaying cause (left) and by technology (right) in the EU - 2022 (% of MWh) Figure 33 ACER calculations based on NRA data
Distribution of total upward and downward re-dispatching volume by underlying cause in the EU - 2022 (% of MWh) Figure 33(1) ACER calculations based on NRA data
Evolution of brokered vs exchange trading in the EU - 2019-2022 (TWh) Figure 07 ACER calculations based on REMIT data
Example of a long price incident in Austria on 18 August 2022 (EUR/MWh per second of optimisation) Figure 28 ACER calculations based on Transnet data
Example of a sequence of short price incidents in Austria on 20 August 2022 (EUR/MWh per second of optimisation) Figure 29 ACER calculations based on Transnet data
Exchanged volumes for Austria when it is facing a positive price incident (left) and negative price incident (right) - 2022 (number of occurrences per MW) Figure 31 ACER calculations based on Transnet data
Forward markets churn factor per type of trade in the largest European forward markets - 2022 Figure 06 ACER calculations based on REMIT and ENTSO-E data
Frequency of application of validation adjustments in the Core capacity calculation region - 1 July 2022 - 31 December 2022 (% of hours) Figure 35 ACER calculations based on RCC data
Imbalance netting as a percentage of the total need for balancing energy (explicitly activated or avoided by means of netting) from all types of reserves in national balancing markets - 2022 (%) Figure 27 ACER calculations based on NRA data
Market share per nominated electricity market operator in day-ahead market coupling in the EU - 2022 (% of traded volume) Figure 14 ACER calculations based on REMIT data
Market share per nominated electricity market operator in the single intraday coupling in the EU - 2022 (% of traded volume) Figure 18 ACER calculations based on REMIT data
Monthly evolution of the average risk premia of long-term transmission rights in the EU - 2021-2022 (EUR/MWh) Figure 01 ACER calculation based on REMIT and JAO data
Monthly evolution of the average risk premiums of long-term transmission rights in the EU - 2021-2022 (EUR/MWh) Figure 10 ACER calculations based on REMIT and JAO data
Overall costs of balancing (capacity and energy) over national electricity demand in selected European markets - 2022 (EUR/MWh) Figure 23 ACER calculations based on NRA and ENTSO-E data
Price correlations across timeframes in EU Member States (day-ahead, intraday and imbalance prices) - 2022 Figure 19 ACER calculations based on NEMOs data and ENTSO-E Transparency Platform
Rate of success of the cross-zonal capacity adjusment process in the SWE (left) and Italy North (right) capacity calculations regions - 1 July 2022 - 31 December 2022 (% of hours) Figure 36 ACER calculations based on RCC data
Relative performance of the different EU Member States on the volume of remedial actions activated as a share of their total demand - 2022 (% of the total demand) Figure 03 ACER calculation based on NRA and ENTSO-E data
Relative performance of the different EU Member States on the volume of remedial actions activated as a share of their total demand - 2022 (% of total demand) Figure 32 ACER calculation based on NRA and ENTSO-E data
Relative shares of traded volume per year in the future for delivery in Germany - 2020-2022 (%) Figure 08 ACER calculations based on REMIT data
Repartition of procurement lead time of each Member State, for all types of reserve (FCR, aFRR, mFRR, RR) - 2022 (%) Figure 25 ACER calculations based on NRA data
Repartition of the procurement lead time of each type of reserve in selected European markets - 2022 (%) Figure 24 ACER calculation based on NRA and ENTSO-E data
Share of continuous intraday-traded volumes according to intra-zonal vs. cross-zonal nature of trades in Europe and yearly continuous intraday-trade volumes - 2019-2022 (% and TWh) Figure 17 ACER calculations based on NEMOs data
Share of renewable energy technologies used in re-dispatching out of the total renewable energy generation per Member State - 2022 (%) Figure 34 ACER calculations based on NRA and ENTSO-E Transparency Platform data
Volume-weighted average prices of balancing energy activated from aFRR (upward and downward activations) in selected European markets - 2022 (EUR/MWh) Figure 22 ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E data
Volume-weighted average prices of balancing energy activated from mFRR (upward and downward activations) in selected European markets - 2022 (EUR/MWh) Figure 38 ACER calculations based on ENTSO-E data
Yearly churn factors in major European intraday markets by type of trade - 2020-2022 Figure 16 ACER calculations based on REMIT and ENTSO-E data