The ACER Electricity and Gas Information System (AEGIS) supports information gathering and management tasks of the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (the Agency). The system allows stakeholders to report a wide spectrum of data related to infrastructure projects, network codes, market monitoring in electricity and gas and LNG market data, pursuant to the applicable regulations.

The AEGIS system is neither connected to nor a part of REMIT. Data collected in AEGIS are not related to REMIT data collection and obligations.

Who can access information support system (AEGIS)?

Only registered users can access the information support system.

Any person representing an institution having a justifiable reason to report or access data stored by the Agency may become a registered user. This includes representatives of:

·         Infrastructure Project Promoters,

·         Transmission System Operators,

·         LNG Market Participants

·         National Regulatory Authorities,

·         European Commission,

·         Innovation & Networks Executive Agency.


Registration is performed through the registration form where a user is requested to provide personal data, business affiliation, and reasons for system access. Once verified, registered users are provided with a unique username and password to have access to their own data and applications.

A user may be granted with access rights to any available application based on their interests and reporting obligations. The decision on access type and applications to be used by the user is done by the Agency’s system administrator based on information received from the relevant Agency’s departments and teams.

Legal Disclaimer

Please read the following LEGAL DISCLAIMER

Information sharing with the European Commission

The information provided in AEGIS may be shared with the European Commission and the Innovation & Networks Executive Agency (INEA) according to the applicable regulations. 

Please indicate whether you have any objection to this and if so for which data and with which institution, indicating the underlying reasons.

Use of the single reporting service in case of PCI reporting by project promoters

Pursuant to Article 5(4) of Regulation (EU) No 347/2013, project promoters of PCIs shall submit by 31 March of each year following the inclusion of a PCI in the Union  list  an annual report to the relevant national Competent Authorities and to the Agency. In order to minimise the reporting burden, the Agency and the Competent Authorities have signed a Memorandum of Understanding on PCI information exchange (“MoU”). The MoU allows promoters to submit the annual report via a single reporting service (“window”) to the Agency, which will then transmit the report to the relevant national Competent Authorities who are signatories to the MoU. Project promoters already expressed their intention during the nomination of contact points whether they wish to use the single reporting service. The Agency shall transfer the PCI reports only to those Competent Authorities which project promoters have indicated earlier.

Use of the single reporting service for the collection of LNG market data on transactions

According to Article 18 of the proposal for a Regulation enhancing solidarity through better coordination of gas purchases of gas across borders and reliable price benchmarks (the proposed Regulation), ACER shall systematically collect and process LNG market data for the purpose of producing and publishing the LNG price assessment. LNG market participants shall submit the required LNG market data to ACER according to the provisions of Article 20 of the same, through AEGIS.

Additional information

For any additional information and queries related to AEGIS Platform, please contact aegis.admin@acer.europa.eu