Data Item Details

TTF and other EU VTPs traded volumes comparison, Q1-Q3 2021-2024 (TWh/day)
ACER based on REMIT
Business Symbol
Page 8 (right)
The analysis considers volumes traded via exchanges or brokers. Options and swaps transactions not included.

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Fields to export

Hub Period Average gas traded volume (TWh/day)
AT-VTPQ1-Q3 20213.80
AT-VTPQ1-Q3 20243.40
AT-VTPQ1-Q3 20233.10
AT-VTPQ1-Q3 20223.10
BE-ZTPQ1-Q3 20222.70
BE-ZTPQ1-Q3 20232.30
BE-ZTPQ1-Q3 20241.70
BE-ZTPQ1-Q3 20211.30
DE-THEQ1-Q3 202316.50
DE-THEQ1-Q3 202416.10
DE-THEQ1-Q3 202215.20
DE-THEQ1-Q3 202113.10
ES-PVBQ1-Q3 20232.40
ES-PVBQ1-Q3 20241.50
ES-PVBQ1-Q3 20221.30
ES-PVBQ1-Q3 20211.00
FR-TRFQ1-Q3 20237.50
FR-TRFQ1-Q3 20247.00
FR-TRFQ1-Q3 20226.10
FR-TRFQ1-Q3 20213.50
IT-PSVQ1-Q3 20247.00
IT-PSVQ1-Q3 20215.30
IT-PSVQ1-Q3 20235.20
IT-PSVQ1-Q3 20224.30
NL-TTFQ1-Q3 2024284.10
NL-TTFQ1-Q3 2023231.00
NL-TTFQ1-Q3 2021207.50
NL-TTFQ1-Q3 2022183.50
Other hubsQ1-Q3 20231.80
Other hubsQ1-Q3 20241.80
Other hubsQ1-Q3 20211.70
Other hubsQ1-Q3 20221.50