Data Item Details

EU gas imports per source (2023)
ACER based on GIE, ENTSOG TP data
Business Symbol
Page 12 (right)
* Includes gas flows from Ukraine storages in Quarter 4.

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Supply source Quarter 2023 Imports (bcm/quarter)
AZQtr 12.93
AZQtr 22.88
AZQtr 32.89
AZQtr 43.06
DZ&LYQtr 17.59
DZ&LYQtr 28.74
DZ&LYQtr 38.93
DZ&LYQtr 48.23
LNGQtr 130.56
LNGQtr 233.72
LNGQtr 327.86
LNGQtr 431.21
NOQtr 122.34
NOQtr 221.23
NOQtr 319.50
NOQtr 422.46
RU*Qtr 16.09
RU*Qtr 25.98
RU*Qtr 37.85
RU*Qtr 48.54
UKQtr 14.59
UKQtr 26.14
UKQtr 33.37
UKQtr 42.95