2024 Security of EU electricity supply report

Data items

Name Reference Source Business Symbol
Adequacy concerns identified in NRAAs for different timeframes Figure 6 ACER based on data provided by NRAs
Comparison of reported VOLLs with a benchmark based on macroeconomic data Figure 3 Presentation slides for the ACER webinar on implementation of the EU methodology for electricity adequacy metrics
Costs to finance capacity mechanisms per unit demand as a percentage of the annual average DA price - 2022-2023 (%) Figure 9 ACER calculations based on NRA, ENTSO-E and EUROSTAT data
Incurred and projected costs of capacity mechanisms in the EU – 2020-2024 (million euros) Figure 8 ACER calculations based on data provided by NRAs
Incurred and projected costs to finance capacity mechanisms and per Member State for market-wide capacity mechanisms (left) and strategic reserves (right) — 2020–2024 (million euros) Figure 15 ACER calculations based on data provided by NRAs
Ranges of the carbon dioxide emission of gas, hard coal and lignite-fired power plants per generated volume Figure 16 ACER based on Ember, European Electricity Review 2024
Status of capacity mechanisms in the EU — 2023 Figure 7 ACER based on data provided by NRAs
Status of support schemes for non-fossil flexible resources Figure 12 ACER based on data provided by NRAs
Total capacity remunerated in EU capacity mechanisms, per type of technology — 2020–2024 (GW) Figure 10 ACER calculations based on data provided by the NRAs and the ENTSO-E Transparency Platform
Total payments and capacities awarded long-term contracts under market-wide capacity mechanisms by technology Figure 13 ACER calculations based on data from NRAs
VOLL depending on the approach to assessing it Figure 5 Pre-reading material for the ACER webinar on implementation of the EU methodology for electricity adequacy metrics
Variation in the VOLL in Member States Figure 2 Presentation slides for the ACER webinar on implementation of the EU methodology for electricity adequacy metrics