2023 Security of EU electricity supply report

Data items

Name Reference Source Business Symbol
Adequacy concern in Member States in any of the next ten years (per 2021 or 2022 NRAA) Figure 2 Source: ACER based on information from NRAs
Breakdown of emergency measures targeting security of supply, winter 2022/2023 Figure 1 ACER inventory of emergency measures
Capacity remunerated in EU capacity mechanisms, per type of technology — 2019–2023 (GW) Figure 7 ACER based on data provided by the NRAs and the ENTSO-E Transparency Platform
Contracted capacity of demand response and storage in the French, Italian, Irish, and Polish market-wide capacity mechanisms Figure 9 ACER calculations based on data from NRAs and, in the case of Italy, also from publicly available information on auction results.
Costs incurred or projected to finance capacity mechanisms per unit demand (2020–2024) Figure 6 ACER calculations based on NRA, ENTSO-E and EUROSTAT data.
Costs of capacity mechanisms over total capacity procured — 2020–2024 (euros/MW) Figure 5 ACER calculations based on data provided by NRAs.
Detailed breakdown of the capacity remunerated in EU capacity mechanisms, per type of technology — 2019–2023 Figure 16 ACER based on data provided by the NRA and the ENTSO-E Transparency Platform.
Incurred and projected costs to finance capacity mechanisms Figure 4 ACER calculations based on data provided by NRAs.
Long-term contracted capacity and relevant costs by type of technology in the EU-27— 2027–2035 Figure 8 ACER calculations based on data from NRAs and, in the case of Italy, also from publicly available information on auction results.
Realised and forecast costs of interruptibility schemes —2019–2023 Figure 15 ACER based on information provided by the NRAs.
Status of capacity mechanisms in the EU-27 — 2022 Figure 3 Source: ACER based on NRA data.
Total cost of network reserves in Austria and Germany – 2018-2022 Figure 10 ACER based on information provided by the NRAs.